It's one week to March and already I am ready for spring. February taxes my ability to be a locavore. There aren't many fruits or vegies grown in the winter in Northern Michigan. Apples from local orchards held in cold storage are still plentiful, and even on sale sometimes now. The exception is HoneyCrisp apples- their price continues to go up as the supply goes down- they are delicious. But, there are local frozen and some fresh vegies and fruits, and they are plentiful in our regular grocery stores. You don't have to shop at Oryana to find local frozen Montmorency cherries or fresh apples from Friske Orchards or honey from Sleeping Bear Farms or prepared foods like jams made at local farms. In fact, there are a slew of them produced right here in Northern Michigan. Turn around and take your pick. We have an opportunity to "shop locally" in the winter. It may not be fresh off the farm, but at one time it was fresh and it still is local.
I'm probably like you, a little warm from cabin fever...I want to shop fresh from the farm- I want crisp leaves of lettuces and strawberries and long, stiff strands of asparagus in my reuseable shopping bag . :-)