Monday, March 8, 2010

"Let them eat... Bread!"

If you could see Jen Welty of 9 Bean Rows form and shape 20 loaves of artisan bread, pop them into a wood-fired oven,  and then stick around for the baking, you too would quickly fall under the spell of our local bread savant.  Her recipe is simple, but the ingredients go beyond the flour, water, salt and an especially fresh and living yeast mixture that resembles sour dough starter.  It's one part love of the craft combined with one part authentic ingredients  infused  with her girl scout ability to  perfectly prepare a wood-fired oven. Her loaves are delicious. Crusty, nutty brown, cooked to heavenly perfection. 

Artisan bread is a wonder. Made as it was along time ago. Loved by all, but eaten by just a few- Fortunately,we can here in Traverse City, because of skillful artisan bakers like Jen Welty. Her bread is available through 9 Bean Rows CSA or you can find her or her husband Nic on Saturday mornings at the Village Farmers Market. If you get there early enough, be sure to try one of her famous  croissants.  The almond is my favorite, but she has chocolate and plain ones too. They all are a piece of heavenly, orgasmic delight!

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